OneLink is a service provided by Woden Community Service.

Feedback, Compliment and Complaint Form

We appreciate feedback so that we can continue to improve our service.

We encourage all feedback – negative or positive – on the services you access and will treat you fairly, promptly and without reprisal for doing so. You can involve a help of a friend and/or advocate if required.

Evaluation and feedback processes

You can provide feedback at any time using the attached form. Drop off or post the completed form to OneLink or WCS, as set out on the first page.

If you would prefer to complete the form electronically, you can use this link here 

Feedback can also be provided at any time either in writing or by calling the OneLink service.

Contacts for feedback and complaints

To send feedback (compliments, complaints or suggestions), you can: * email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or

* call OneLink (1800 176 468) and ask to speak to the OneLink Manager, or

* call WCS (02 6282 2644) and ask to speak to the Director of Service Access and Support, or the Executive Director of Woden Community Service, or

* send written feedback to: OneLink Manager PO Box 35 Woden, ACT, 2606