OneLink is a service provided by Woden Community Service.


OneLink provides information and connections for support services in the ACT.

How We Can Help

When you get in contact with OneLink, an assessing officer will talk to you about your situation and what services might help. They will provide you with information about options and, where appropriate, will follow up to connect you to services.

OneLink covers a wide range of support services including services for families and young people, and services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

How To Contact Us

You can connect with OneLink through whatever way is best for you – on the phone, online, in person or through a service that is already assisting you. You can also ask a family member or friend to assist you to contact OneLink.

Call: 1800 176 468. Our phone lines are open from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

On-line chat: Click on the Online box at the bottom right of your screen. If this is not attended, you can click Offline to leave a message.

For other ways to contact OneLink, see the Contact Us page. (Contact Us),

OneLink respects the confidentiality of all information you provide. For more information see the OneLink Privacy Policy.

Our Approach

Our approach is one of working with other organisations to improve a person’s service experience by taking a holistic view of their circumstances and, with them, designing a response that they understand and that is relevant to them. We also focus on making access easier by assisting people to navigate the system through minimising the need to repeat their story and providing supported (‘warm’) referrals to service agencies that can further assist them.

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